North Beach | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

North Beach

Old Italy, the New Deal, 对凯鲁亚克和垮掉的一代的回忆,以及海滨波西米亚风格的回响,在北滩相遇了当下的餐馆.

North Beach during twilight

North Beach doesn’t have an actual beach. It does, however, 有一个充满活力和强大的意大利裔美国人社区, for generations, 已经在附近播种了很棒的餐馆和咖啡馆. 

在华盛顿广场的东侧,老式的木制房屋爬上电报山,顶上是 Coit Tower. 它建于20世纪30年代,内部装饰着描绘加州历史场景的壁画. 格兰特大街上到处都是独一无二的商店, while Broadway is lined with music clubs, restaurants and bars.

The beat generation is showcased in the City Lights bookstore on Columbus Ave. Look up to see “Language of the Birds” at Broadway and Columbus Ave. 这些在头顶飞舞的发光书籍是由Brian Goggin和Dorka Keehn设计的永久性公共艺术装置.

Get an award-winning pizza at Tony’s Pizza Napoletana or tuck into Cafe Zoetrope 这里有很多意大利和加州的葡萄酒可供选择. Original Joe’s 在贝博体彩app已经有100多年历史了吗. 要想在导游的带领下领略附近的风情,不妨试试 Local Tastes of the City Tours.

Artist Jeremy Fish explores North Beach

Heart of the City: North Beach



See "Dear San Francisco" at Club Fugazi

A high-flying, 《致贝博体彩app的情书》即将在这座城市最具传奇色彩的舞台上上演.

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North Beach

Where to Eat and Drink in North Beach

With plenty of cafés, bars, parks, and restaurants to capture your attention, 这里有一些北滩不可错过的景点.

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Looking to live like a local? Short-term rentals from Airbnb, VRBO, 和其他平台几乎在贝博体彩app的每个社区都可以使用, 让你有一个更真实的体验. 为你的旅行风格和预算找到完美的选择.

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